Tuesday, March 10, 2020

true love

 These pictures represent true love because in a team, the teammates oneself has are just like family and as we finished our soccer season this year we will all miss each other and still love one another as much as family.

photo restoration

Thursday, February 27, 2020

letter to past me

Dear Julia,

Hey, I am future you, I know you are most likely in Creative Photography class right now reading this. It is the beginning of the year and you think this will be an easy A with no effort at all. Well let me tell you from being in this class for months, I will tell you that good time management is the trick into getting an A in the class. outside of school, take the pictures, while in class work on it in photoshop/publishing them into your personal blog. Also having a "you" in each assignment is very important. So don't just do whatever comes to mind first. Take a little bit of time to figure out what it is that you will do. Finally, when taking the photos use some of the tools that your phone provides because it makes the quality much better and maybe no editing is needed.


Dear Julia,

In semester one i wrote "This first semester in photo 1 has been interesting, and i have learned a lot. My quality of work, i think are as good as i know how to do them, I usually try to go above and beyond but for some of the assignments i had no idea how to do that, ending up with me turning one or two assignments late. My effort in this class i would say is good, i am actively taking photos even if they are or are not hard to get, also, when i look at other students work or they look at mine i keep a positive attitude because just like me we are all still learning this. My participation however is not as good as it could be, when I'm done with a project i usually just sleep in class instead of doing work for other classes, but i am always on time. During this first semester i improved a lot as in taking pictures, i try to have a strong concept, compelling pictures, and better composition but sometimes i don't have the confidence or skill to do that so often. In the second quarter i want to adjust my confidence in taking more unexpected photos as well as staying on task.

 Between all of the assignments we have done so far i think doing one about our life outside of school one would be good. What i have in mind is after school, we take pictures from time to time. Making it seem like we are recording what happens. Then we photoshop those pictures together. It would be something similar to the inside me project, but when photoshopping we wouldn't do it in a person of course." I believe that i have not been following through with the things i said i was going to do because i did not expect that i would be so busy all of a sudden and it has really affected my grades in this class. i am starting to give my very best now to get an A because i really need it. I have promised myself that I am going to catch up to all of my missing work a by Tuesday next week and never be behind like this again. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

the importance of art

The quote "Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. period." is not entirely correct. Yes, high school should and is about training young people to enter the workforce. However, this workforce for many people include art, music and theater programs. There are many careers to choose from and schools should encourage its students to choose the path they would like to take. Tax money is not going to waste in public high school programs, but is helping show students the amount of paths they can take to pursue in a career. In conclusion, high schools should have as many amounts of programs as the students would be in to make their dreams come true.
